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June 20, 2024

Why AI Won’t Take Our Jobs

AI working with humans, not taking their jobs.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, and with that change comes a common fear: will robots take our jobs? While AI is certainly capable of automating many tasks, a complete takeover is unlikely.

Creation of New Job Categories

History shows that technological advancements create new job categories even as they make some obsolete. The advent of computers, for instance, led to the decline of certain clerical jobs but gave rise to entirely new fields such as IT and digital marketing. Similarly, AI is paving the way for new roles in data science, AI ethics, and machine learning engineering. These roles require a human touch to design, maintain, and oversee AI systems.

The Human Touch Remains Crucial

AI is designed to augment human capabilities, not replace them. While AI can handle repetitive, mundane tasks efficiently, it lacks the creativity, emotional intelligence, and complex decision-making skills that humans bring to the table. For instance, AI can analyse large datasets to identify patterns, but it takes human insight to interpret these patterns and apply them in a meaningful way.

AI Struggles with the Unexpected

While AI excels at data analysis and predefined processes, its adaptability remains limited. When confronted with the unexpected, AI systems may struggle to respond effectively. Humans, on the other hand, possess the cognitive agility to think critically in real-time, analyse novel situations, and adjust their approach accordingly. This ability to adapt is particularly valuable in roles that demand problem-solving in unpredictable environments.

The Cost Factor

Developing and maintaining complex AI systems can be prohibitively expensive. The initial investment in AI technology, including hardware, software, and specialized personnel, can be substantial. Additionally, ongoing maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting add to the cost. For many tasks, it’s simply more cost-effective to employ a human worker, who can often perform a wide range of functions without the need for extensive technological support.

Embrace AI to Future-Proof Your Career

The future of work is likely to see humans and AI working together. Imagine software developers using AI to automate code generation and debugging while applying their own expertise to design innovative solutions and ensure quality. This teamwork will be crucial for innovation and productivity. So, instead of fearing AI, focus on developing the skills that complement it. Here are some ways to prepare:

The future of work is about humans and AI working together. By embracing AI as a tool, you can position yourself to thrive in the years to come.

Are you interested in working with AI? Madison Bridge can assist you – explore the latest job opportunities or submit your CV to register with our consultants. If you are seeking new talent for your business, we can also help with that – submit a vacancy, and we will be in touch to discuss your recruitment needs.

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